Sign Installation Services

Expert sign installation services.

Once your sign is fabricated it will need to be installed. We always recommend that you let us install it too, so that you have a single point of accountability. Unfortunately, we have seen too many customers try to either install a sign themselves or have a third party install it to save a few bucks. If it does not look quite right when it is completed it is harder for you to fix the issue (e.g., not sturdy, not straight, not centered, etc.) if there is more than one party involved.

Things we will need to know to install your sign correctly.

1. For electrical signs – is there a dedicated 20amp circuit within 5 feet of the sign? We are not electricians. In most municipalities we can only hook up a sign to existing power. If a new circuit is needed then you will have to coordinate that with an electrician.

2. For electrical signs – is there access behind the wall that the sign is to be mounted on? This will determine if the sign can be direct mounted or if we need to mount it on a raceway to hold all the electronics.

3. Is there bucket truck access to the site? If we need to drive over grass there is always the risk of hitting sprinkler heads and cutting ruts when the ground is soft.

4. Are there overhead electrical lines that will interfere with the installation? Even if it is not an electrical sign, but we have to lift it with a crane/lift/bucket truck, we must not get to o close to power lines. Unfortunately, there is an additional expense to get the power companies to “bag” the lines so that we can complete the installation.

5. For electrical signs – do you want the sign to be controlled by a photo-cell or a timer? We can usually add these features after the fact, but it is more cost effective to plan for that prior to the installation.

6. Vinyl can only be installed outdoors on a calm day when the temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit and below 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The optimal temperature is 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Kansas City Indoor and Outdoor Sign Company

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(816) 407-7446

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